

Set in a heavenly landscape, surrounded by the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas, Zanskar and Karakoram ranges, bordered by the crystal clear waters of the Shyok, Zanskar, and Indus rivers, Ladakh is one of the coldest deserts in the world. Perched at a height of over 11,000 feet above sea level, it is a paradise for adventure sports enthusiasts. Its rugged terrain and gushing rivers offer many opportunities for activities such as trekking, rafting, camping, climbing, and biking. As the winter months approach, the Union Territory is enveloped in a blanket of snow, making it a winter sports paradise. The famous Chadar Trek starts from the village of Chilling, 66 km away, and covers mainly the frozen area of the Zanskar River. Along the way, trekkers walk on precarious icy surfaces, stay in caves filled with stalactites and stalagmites and encounter other snowy landscapes.


Ladakh has three beautiful high-altitude lakes, Tso Moriri, Tso Kar, and Pangong Tso, which look like sapphires embedded in the ground. Magnetic Hill is a natural wonder that leaves tourists in awe. It is said to defy gravity as it tends to pull vehicles upwards. Ladakh is an important center of Buddhism and has several important monasteries. Tourists can walk the monastery trail and see the ancient cultures of the region come alive in the various paintings that adorn the walls while engaging in meditation and other therapeutic and spiritual activities. Namaskar India Tour is a local English-speaking travel agency offering travel to Ladakh.

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Tours of Ladakh
(09 nights / 10 days)

There is no better time to go to Ladakh than during Hemis Festival as HemisGompa…

(10 nights / 11 days)

One of the most astounding elevated treks in Ladakh that goes through a remote locale…

(17 nights / 18 days)

Stok Kangri is one among the foremost strenuous trekking summits in India. You being one…

(06 nights / 07 days)

Planning to discover Leh Ladakh in an adventurous way? Sign up for this customizable 6…

(06 nights / 07 days)

Planning to discover Leh Ladakh in an adventurous way? Sign up for this customizable 6…

(03 nights / 04 days)

Planning to discover Leh Ladakh in an adventurous way? Sign up for this customizable 3…

(04 nights / 05 days)

Planning to discover Leh Ladakh in an adventurous way? Sign up for this customizable 4…

(06 nights / 07 days)

Planning to discover Leh Ladakh in an adventurous way? Sign up for this customizable 6…

(05 nights / 06 days)

Planning to discover Leh Ladakh in an adventurous way? Sign up for this customizable 5…

(06 nights / 07 days)

Planning to discover Leh Ladakh in an adventurous way? Sign up for this customizable 6…

(06 nights / 07 days)

Planning to discover Leh Ladakh in an adventurous way? Sign up for this customizable 6…

(04 nights / 05 days)

Planning to discover Leh Ladakh in an adventurous way? Sign up for this customizable 4…

(04 nights / 05 days)

Planning to discover Leh Ladakh in an adventurous way? Sign up for this customizable 4…

(03 nights / 04 days)

The Ladakh Honeymoon Tour takes you to explore the beauty of the hills, trekking activities…

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