Tilak Ceremony

Tilak Ceremony

Tilak Ceremony is one among the foremost important Pre Wedding Ceremonies; it holds a crucial position as regards its auspicious nature in traditional Hindu customs. The Tilak Ceremony varies from one state to a different. It’s also very different just in case of diverse castes and creeds. Among the tribal in India, the Tilak Ceremony holds good, but the way is sort of different from its urban counterpart. According the family tradition and culture the Tilak Ceremony is typically held.
Tilak which is additionally the sign of auspiciousness is usually put by the male members of the groom’s family like uncle, cousin, brother by using Kumkum, the red vermillion. Generally the feminine members of the family don’t put this vermillion.
The ceremony is typically held within the groom’s residence but it’s often held in temples in order that the groom gets a blessing from Almighty, to prosper from his marriage, have a wider scope, opportunities and have an altogether improvement in life. For instance consistent with the Sikh Mythology it’s very essential that the Tilak Ceremony is held in Gurudwaras, in order that the chief priest can also recite a hymn to form it more auspicious for the groom.
After the commencement of Tilak Ceremony the bride’s father offers gifts to the groom and also to all or any other members of the family. Starting from fruits to clothes, goods and sweets the gifts are considered propitious and are distributed among the various members of the groom’s family. In exchange of those gifts, the groom’s father sends sugar, coconut, rice, clothes, jewelry and henna to the bride’s family to be distributed with much merriment among the members of the family. Generally the relatives of the groom’s family carry the objects to the bride’s house with much gaiety.
It is considered sacramental for the bride’s family also. Offering tilak within the forehead of the groom ensures a loving husband for his or her child, who would look out of her and also shoulder her responsibility right along her life. it’s said that marriages are made in heaven, only to be conducted on the world and truly, the Tilak ceremony speak volumes about the Indian customs.
Another sort of Tilak Ceremony is that the Chenky ceremony during which the bride and her mother don’t attend the ceremony. But the male relations alongside other members of the family are allowed to attend the ceremony and joyously participate within the function amid lively dance shows, music and sometimes songs from traditional Indian customs.
Sometimes the Tilak and Mehendi Ceremonies are held together. This is often especially wiped out order to scale back the value and to form the hassles of two consecutive ceremonies for both the bride also because the groom. This merging also makes way for more entertainment and joyfulness.
Tilak Ceremony is therefore one among the foremost important Wedding Ceremonies in India, which is that the most grand of all the Pre Wedding Ceremonies.


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